Becoming a resource for your customers or clients is one of the first steps to gaining their trust and helping them think of you when they need assistance. If they know, like, and trust you they’re more apt to do business with you. But what type of content can you share to accomplish this? And how can you become a resource for them on the Internet?
Sharing worthwhile content means knowing your audience and who you’re trying to reach. For instance, sharing tips for how to cook a succulent steak isn’t going to establish your business as a resource for vegans. But sharing the same old same old industry information can get boring for your audience and for you. Here are a few things you might not have thought to share:
Something That Has Saved You Time
Most people are incredibly busy these days. Hacks and productivity time savers are very popular things to share. When you can add an individualized touch to it, having had experience with the tool, service, or app; people will be much more interested.
A Funny Story
Humor has a way of connecting people. If you’re not sure how to share humor by telling a funny story, watch a stand-up comedian’s routine (the family-friendly kind). Notice that they talk about things we can all relate to. Think about Jerry Seinfeld. He simply points out the obvious. Watch Dana Carvey’s early stuff about his kids. These masters of comedy share things that are common human experiences. You can do the same. Humor is relatable and relating to someone helps them get to know you, which is critical to building the know, like, and trust that leads to more sales.
A Product, Service or Membership You Love
It’s the golden rule, right? Do unto others… If there’s something you’ve tried and loved, why not share it with your tribe? Even if it’s not directly related to your business. Here’s why. First, you’re making another business owner or staff feel good. You’re sending on a compliment. If they listen on social media, there’s a chance they’ll see it and, at the very least, check you out. In order help ensure this, link to their site or tag them in the post. You’re also assisting your tribe because you’re sharing something you found worthwhile. And finally, people appreciate those who aren’t always talking about themselves.
A Helpful Reminder
Is there something your audience is interested in? Perhaps the hours of the local fireworks display? Even if the interest does not directly have anything to do with your business, you can share it as a resource. Ever notice when you find someone who seems to be in the know you turn to them for help on things that aren’t even directly associated with them? Maybe you sought out your favorite teacher for career advice when you were younger and that career advice had nothing to do with their specialty. You likely did so because you trusted them and valued their opinion. You can become the same valuable resource for your community.
Sharing content that your audience needs is an incredible way to build loyalty and top of mind recognition. Just remember it needn’t all be business related. Being a community resource is an even better way to build connections than sharing solely about the product or service you offer.
Building a stronger Mercer Island through business advocacy, support and development.
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